"You're a woman of faith and honesty,
Still missing you.
Ellen Mackey |
Ashlee Martinez |
Katie (Kathleen) Mackey |
Necola Adams |
Driving you to your first day of radiation, I stuck in the CD I had made you, to up lift you and make you feel better. The first song was by Alicia Key's, because I wanted you to know how much you meant to me in my life, it said, "imagine there was no tomorrow, imagine that I couldn't see your face there'd be end to my sorrow, cause there is nothing that could fill this space", and that day came for me sooner that I ever thought it would.
For the last 15 year's we always said we would grow old together, that we would buy houses next door to each other with big porches, and sit in our rocking chairs out there and talk with each other all day, who am I going to do that with now? We were each others best friend, we've shared more with each other than with any other person, we held each other's secrets, watched each other's kid's, we even had a slumber party, just us two. For over 19 year's I've got to hang out with one of the most fun, loving, unconventional, and most Godly women I've had the fortune to come into contact with. God brought us together, and for the last 3 1/2 year's, He's had us walk this journey together, first mine and then your's, He knew He had given us a special love for one another that nothing and no one could break, and that we were able to carry each other when our burden got too heavy. I love you Linda, I made you a promise that I would be there till the end, and God allowed me to fulfill it, I was there when you got the diagnosis, and I was there when you took your last breath, loving you will all I had inside. I AM GOING TO MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Put another rocker on your porch in Heaven and wait for me, I'll see you soon, for there is nothing between us now but time. I love you my best friend.
Colleen |